Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Living Room

My Mom and Dad and Aunt Dorothy arrived on Wednesday evening and left today. Time sure does fly by quickly. Of course my Dad likes to work when he comes to visit, so I decided that we would paint my living room. Here are a few pictures. I took all my pictures a safe distance from the paint can and promptly put the camera back in the bedroom, far away from any wet paint! Dad, Mom, Aunt Dot and I painted the room and hallway. With that many hands we made quick work.
Dad stopped long enough for a picture, but then told me to put that camera down and get back to work. Hummmmmm, I think he just didn't want his picture taken.
Buddy Dog got in on the painting too. He conveniently sat in the middle of the floor until I went down to the basement. Then he followed and brushed up against the wet paint. Good thing he matched the paint!

Aunt Dot was willing to help too.

Thanks to my family for working so hard during their visit. My place feels so nice and clean and room is so much warmer looking with the new color. I LOVE IT!


Renee' said...

I just have to have your mom, dad and Aunt Dot as my relatives too. They are a kick and I love them. Next time they come I will not be sick and they can meet the REAL "ME" (think they will come back if they know that?)

Ronda said...

I want them to be my family too! They are about the cutest paint crew I have ever to the queen of course! Next time I hope not be sick so I can give them hugs!

Melisa Jo said...

So my Dad kept asking when we would get to see the "the girls" (aka Ronda and Renee). He was glad to see you but wished you were both feeling better.