Monday, August 18, 2008

Huckleberry Season

Renee and I spent the day picking huckleberries. I went last year with Renee and Ronda and I told them "been there, done that". This year was much more enjoyable. The berries are plentiful, the spot we picked was flat and we didn't have too much trouble finding shade to keep us cool. It was a very enjoyable day.

I picked just over a gallon of berries, much better than the crop I picked last year. I think I have this whole berry pickin' thing figured out. Don't go on Renee's first day - instead wait until the second day. She's a little bit tired and it's a lot easier when trying to keep up with her. She still out picked me, but that was a given before we even started. I'm proud of my silver medal finish.

I did manage to get distracted towards the end of our adventure. Found these cute little strawberries and I mean little tiny!

Yes, that's Renee peeking out from behind a tree. She just kept a pickin'. It was so hard to leave because there were so many berries still around us. We just couldn't pick them all.

Here's about half of my picked crop. I don't know what I'm going to do with my 16 cups of berries, but I'm looking forward to at least one huckleberry cobbler!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Buddy's Birthday

I don't know who likes his birthday more, Buddy or his Mom.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dear Diary......

Day 1: Karen and Don have left for Sturgis and I'm taking care of the tomato plant. It's healthy. Lots of tomatoes, not ripe, but with some good hot days they should start to ripen.

Day 2: I think I'll trim the plant so the nutrients go to the fruit instead of the plant. Yikes, I hope this goes well, I don't want anything to happen to this plant.

Day 3: Plant looks good, I don't think I did any damage to it. Nothing looks brown or dying. Hooray!

Day 4: Well, now that I have it all trimmed up maybe I should give it some plant food. Tomatoes are starting to ripen, but I think they need a little extra boost.

Day 5: Still just the one tomato, others will be ripe soon. No harm done with the Miracle Grow!

Day 8: Well, I skipped a few entries, but as you can see I've finally got to pick some of the tomatoes. Can't wait to enjoy these little babies.

Day 8 (Second entry): Yummmmmmmm, there's just nothing better than a BLT sandwich with a home-grown tomato. Well, I used turkey-bacon, not quite the same, but much healthier for me and fewer points on the Weight Watchers diet!

Well, there's the proof that I can take care of the tomato plant. I have a few more days and the temperature outside just keeps going up. I don't want anything to happen to their little plant. Keep your fingers crossed it survives another few days, then my responsibility will be over.