Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So, to my surprise Aunt Gwen has taught my dog yet another bad "but cute" habit. This is one of the cupboards in my office. It just happens to be the one were I keep the extra dog treats. This morning Mr. Buddy Dog showed me how he can open the door with his nose and then help himself to a treat or 4. And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!

37 days....and counting down

Double click on the cartoon... then you might be able to read it. Sometimes I just don't have the patience for fixing what I think should be soooo easy (like resizing this cartoon)!

Well to my surprise I had a great week. That makes 56 pounds lost for the year and 21.2 pounds lost since I started my "Biggest Loser" challenge.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Countdown Continues...43 days

Well, I've been a little lazy when it comes to posting on the 'ol blog. Don't think for a minute that I have skipped my weigh-ins. I went last week and this week for a total loss of 2 pounds. That makes for a total weight loss of 49 pounds for 2007 and 13.4 since I started Weight Watchers again.

So, I hope the rest of you are all getting one step closer to your goal. Keep up the good work!