Monday, December 31, 2007

Birthday Celebrations

My designated driver (Kerry) was a good sport since he didn't feel well Friday night. I guess the trip to the bar was just what he needed because after drinking "Red Bull" he felt much better on Saturday.

Well, this 40 year old couldn't have asked for a better bunch of events to help celebrate. We started out on Friday night at the Eagles in Pendleton. We had a great time or at least that's what they tell me. Pictured above: Gwen, Rachelle, Rob, Melisa, Karen, Andrea and Kerry. The party went until about 12:30am.

The party kept rolling along and somehow my drink (yes that jar in front of me) was always full.

Rachelle came from Walla Walla to help celebrate. We've been friends since freshman in high school. Wow - that's 25 years.

Karen and her daughter, Andrea helped me celebrate too.

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