Monday, April 21, 2008

Seeing Results

I was digging around in a pile of clothes to find a pair of shorts to wear. I was looking for that favorite pair, you know the ones... they are comfortable, loose and have a drawstring in the waistband. So after about 20 minutes I found them. I pulled them on and WOW - the waistband was too big. In the picture above I measured from the knot that was in the drawstring from last summer to my waist - it was 4 inches on each side. I guess seeing is believing for me. Oh, by the way, I tightened the drawstring, went and looked in the mirror and then promptly went to find something else to wear. I'm thinking they looked bad last summer and it didn't get any better with weight loss. P.S. - it kinda tricky to take a picture with one hand while the other is holding a ruler and a drawstring, all the while trying to avoid getting too much of your belly in the shot! OK - I guess a little giggle would be ok.
Oh yeah, last week's weigh-in was successful - I lost 2.4 pounds! Yippee!


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...


Never had pickled asparagus!

Lindsay said...

High fives coming your way girlfriend!! :)

Trini said...

Oh Melisa, I LOVE pickled asparagus! Maybe you will bring some to scrapbooking?!!!! Thanks for sharing!