Friday, September 28, 2007


OK, I just need to take a little minute of your time to tell you how disgusted I am about something so trivial.

This morning I decided to go through downtown Pendleton on my way to work, rather than hitting the Interstate (first mistake). On my way I pulled into Dave's. The parking lot was busy so I was going slow as I drove between the parked cars and the gas pumps. Just as I get to the other end and was going to make a left turn to get into the drive-thru line, I see a little yellow pickup coming like a "bat out of you know what" from the right. I stopped, thinking they were trying to beat me to the drive-thru and I was perfectly happy letting them go ahead of me. Instead, this person (guessing high school age) pulls up just a little past me and yells right at me a profanity that I wouldn't repeat if a truck was dropped on my toe and then drives off.

I guess my disgust is actually more like amazement. How does someone that young get so ticked off that early in the morning at such a trivial little matter. I might (and I say that with hesitation) excuse the behavior if our vehicles had just missed each other by a few inches, but that's not even the case.

I guess I just want to state my concern I have for a person that is so angry. He's going to have one long miserable life if that's the attitude he chooses over the little stuff.


Trini said...

Hi Melisa! I know what you mean about the anger factor. I have run into a few of those myself. It seems that people just don't know how to handle their anger anymore. You are such a kind person...I hate to see this kind of stuff happen to you! See ya after work...I'll be coming by for my kits! Thanks a million!

Renee' said...

Well, thank goodness I don't drive a little yellow truck, so I know it wasn't me...LOL! I will be checking out the parking lot at school to find that jerk and I am going to let them have it.
And now I pray, Lord, let my anger never show to cause hurt to anyone else.
Alright, when I find them I will hug them and tell them I hope they have a better day than the one they had.

Stacy B said...

You are such a good person, you certainly didn't deserve to be treated like that. He needs to watch Dancing With the Stars. It makes everyone smile, even the Cavemen.