Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Wreath

Many of you have commented on the Christmas holiday wreath that has been on the front of my door since the first week in December. I couldn't throw it away, it still looked good and made for great conversation when people came over for a visit. So, when my sister came to visit the week before Easter, she decided something had to be done. So, during our only trip to Wal -mart while she was here, she managed to sneak in a couple of cans of spray paint and I didn't know what she was up to until I caught her outside with my Christmas wreath.

Now, I know some of you think I'm picky, but notice the newspaper on the lawn as to avoid getting paint on the grass. Please, the lawn needed mowing anyway, why worry about it? Gotta love her and I do.

All of her hard work was displayed for the month of April. But today it was time for the wreath to go. It had seen a better day and once she spray painted it pink, I
really wasn't sorry to let it go.

Until next December, my front door will remain without a wreath!

1 comment:

Ronda said...

It is still snowing at my house and is to snow again tonight...so I think it is just fine that you had a wreath on your door. Gotta love that sister of yours...and especially that grin on her face!