Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So, to my surprise Aunt Gwen has taught my dog yet another bad "but cute" habit. This is one of the cupboards in my office. It just happens to be the one were I keep the extra dog treats. This morning Mr. Buddy Dog showed me how he can open the door with his nose and then help himself to a treat or 4. And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks!


Ronda said...

When it comes to food with Buddy, there is no stopping him!

A.S.K.-P. said...

This is just TOO CUTE!
I have a cat that does this too. Luckily we don't keep his treats or food in there so he can't get in them The weirdo just has a thing for being in cupboards & closets! I mean I, of all people, couldn't have a normal animal! LOL

Lindsay said...

That Buddy is just AMAZING!! :)

freckles said...

It just goes to show you that we are never to old to learn new things. Cute little wiggle though.

Ronda said...

ok, love the new maybe there will be new posts to go along with them! :)