Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Honey, how sweet it is!

How many of you like honey?

I'm not that fond of it. But growing up, we always had honey because there is an apiary right there in our little corner of the world. The owners always gave us honey because they use a portion of my Mom and Dad's land for their beehives.

Anyway, I brought a bucket of honey for Renee and little did I know how much she was enjoying it until one day when she told me she was just about out. I can't imagine! A bucket of honey would last me a lifetime.

Ronda got a taste of it and she said it reminded her of the honey she used to have and we determined that was because of the alfalfa fields that surround the area.

So here's to my friends! May you enjoy your bucket of honey, as my sister has mailed a bucket just for the two of you.


A.S.K.-P. said...

OMG...3 new posts?! Are you feeling OK Mel?

I liked your sis' trick w/the wreath!

OK, tell me in thee world did our Royal Highness go through a tub of honey like that soo quick and STILL keep that figure of hers? That's a TON of sugar/calories there!

I have the same goal: weightloss. WE CAN DO IT! I guess we just have to remember the small steps.

See you tomorrow, even though I probably won't have pics :-(.


Stacy B said...

I am so happy to see your posts, how fun. Honey, Honey!

Ronda said...

I can hardley believe that I get to have some "real" honey at my house!! I am soooo excited I can hardly stand it! I feel very special!