Monday, July 21, 2008

Lazy Days of Summer

I don't know about you but my summer just seems to be running right along just like every other season. I don't really have memories of family vacations. We didn't take vacations. I have summer memories of baling hay at 4:30 in the morning, getting ready for the fair and walking through mud up to my ankles as I irrigated the alfalfa hay. I love those memories. There are days that I would love nothing more than to go back to Montana and play "farm girl" again.

I have enjoyed reading the different blog posts about the "not so" lazy days of summer. Everyone is busy creating those summer memories with families. There have been trips to far away places, trips to the coast, tea parties, camps, camping, fishing, water parks, river rides, trips to weddings, trips to the pool and on and on and on. Thanks to everyone for sharing your summer memories with me. Makes me want to create my own memories, but that's just going to have to wait. My vacation is planned for this fall, my favorite season of the year. Until then, I'll continue to enjoy my summer as I read about all the adventures created by so many fabulous friends.


Anonymous said...

Summer memories don't have to be just about vacations. I don't remember any of those either. I do love hearing about your farm days.

Lindsay said...

This post just makes me smile. Hoping we can all get together soon - I need a good laugh & some great conversation!! :)