Monday, July 28, 2008

Renee's Birthday

The Queen turned another year younger and yes we celebrated. Carla crowned her and she proudly wore it all through dinner and evening festivities. We love you Renee, so glad we had a chance to get together, why we think we need a reason, I'll never know!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mr. Frog

Everyday I have Mr. Frog to greet me when I come to work. He was a gift from a client and while I can't say I've ever been a "frog fan", this one is pretty cute.
He enjoys laying around on top of my computer. Sometimes he gets bored and wishes I would play a game of solitaire, but for the most part he's pretty good about keeping quiet while I work.
He's a pretty good listener and seems to perk right up when I'm on the phone. I guess he thinks he's going to hear something important, hummmmmm, maybe, but not likely.
Sometimes he's a total goof ball and tries to distract me from my work, but I never let him win.

He's a pretty good frog. Behaves most of time and really seems to understand when I just need to be left alone to get my work done. Everyone should have a Mr. Frog at work, he can really brighten your day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy 16th Birthday Dakotah

Wow, my niece is 16 years old today. Just doesn't seem possible. The day she was born, I sat at my Mom and Dad's dining room table, waiting to hear the good news. My sister had to be taken to Denver, Colorado because she had a 25 pound cyst that had to be removed along with little Dakotah.

Everything went well and here we are today, celebrating 16 years!

Happy Birthday Koda. I love you and miss you very much!

Lazy Days of Summer

I don't know about you but my summer just seems to be running right along just like every other season. I don't really have memories of family vacations. We didn't take vacations. I have summer memories of baling hay at 4:30 in the morning, getting ready for the fair and walking through mud up to my ankles as I irrigated the alfalfa hay. I love those memories. There are days that I would love nothing more than to go back to Montana and play "farm girl" again.

I have enjoyed reading the different blog posts about the "not so" lazy days of summer. Everyone is busy creating those summer memories with families. There have been trips to far away places, trips to the coast, tea parties, camps, camping, fishing, water parks, river rides, trips to weddings, trips to the pool and on and on and on. Thanks to everyone for sharing your summer memories with me. Makes me want to create my own memories, but that's just going to have to wait. My vacation is planned for this fall, my favorite season of the year. Until then, I'll continue to enjoy my summer as I read about all the adventures created by so many fabulous friends.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Raspberry Season

Nothing like a few raspberries to enjoy on your morning cereal. I've been picking raspberries in my backyard for about a week now. Yum! I don't have a lot, as you may remember they are volunteer from my neighbor. Last year I just picked from the branches that poked through the fence. This year I actually have a bush in the back corner of my yard and it's a good thing, since the neighbors took their bushes out. Sadness! Anyway, the berries are wonderful tasting and just about the right amount for me to enjoy on a daily basis. It's the little things in life that I enjoy the most.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Buddy started licking his paw a couple of days ago until he had it so sore and was limping that I decided he had to go to the vet. I thought he probably had something in his paw, but that wasn't the case. He has a bacterial infection and it had to be shaved, scrubbed and medicated. Needless to say, he is now on pain killers and antibiotics to get the whole mess cleared up. Just the way he wanted to start off his 4th of July celebration,
one that he has grown to hate over the years. The fireworks never used to bother him, but seems the last few years he doesn't particularly care for them. Oh well, he'll have his mommy to hold his paw.