Thursday, May 15, 2008

How slow can you go?

"Proceed with caution. We don't want any crash dieting taking place here."
Consistently, I lose a little or none one week and the next I come out shocked and wondering how could I repeat that 4 pound weight loss for next week? Hummmmm.....
I'm happy with my six-tenths of a pound. It is small, but noteworthy. I feel like I'm sneaking up on 90 pounds. Don't want to scare it away. After all, it has taken over a year to chase it and I'm sooooo close.
The exercise thing, well it just plain didn't happen for me. I thought about it a lot, but never really did anything about it. Maybe this week or maybe not. I like keeping you all in suspense, wondering.... will she exercise or not. Tune in next week as I continue my journey down weight loss avenue.


A.S.K.-P. said...

You SHOULD be happy w/ your .6 of a lb!

I CANNOT believe you have lost almost 90 pound w/o exercising your butt off (literally, LOL)!!! Gives me hope. LOL

A.S.K.-P. said...

Hey MJ,
I just came across this article (about eating healthier when eating out) that I thought you might like to read. Heres' the link...

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

laughing so hard right now!!! you are too funny!!! love you!!!

Suzie said...

Love the way you "sneak up on it because you don't want to scare it away." LOL! Hugs to you and your success of hunting down those 90 lbs (Elmer Fudd hunting moment lol)

Have a great week!
Suzie Reitz