Monday, April 14, 2008

Stinkin' Thinkin'

Looking back at my weight loss there seems to be a definite pattern. On average I have one pretty good week with a pound or more weight loss and then the next week there will be a decimal point in front of the number. This past week was one of those decimal point weeks. I lost .2! I can't really attribute it to anything. In the beginning I would get a little bit frustrated, but finally had to tell myself that any weight lost is good. So now I'm looking at my 2 week averages to help my brain with positive thinking only.

On my way to work today I heard something that reminded me of my struggle to stay positive. One of the DJs was talking about how her mother would tell her to "get rid of that stinkin' thinkin'" The other two DJs were making fun of the phrase until she explained that every time she was thinking negative her mother would throw this phrase out at her. So for now, I'm going to try to throw away the stinkin' thinkin' and stay focused on the positive.
The above picture was pulled from Google images and while I couldn't find exactly who to give credit to, wanted to make sure that you all knew that is was not something I created for this post.


Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

stay POSITIVE!!!
You have come soooo far! it takes time! Just keep doing what you know works! The math is the math!!
love you!

Stacy B said...

Yep, keep positive! I am proud of you. You can do it.

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