pla·teau/pla-toh; - noun
plural -teaus, -teaux /-ˈtoʊz, -toʊz/[-tohz, -tohz] verb, -teaued, -teau·ing.
So if you look at today's word and the definitions you might get a bit of a giggle if you think of it like this....
a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons. Yes, I can see it now. My body is one BIG land area and while it may not have a relatively level surface, it definitely has raised above adjoining land on or at least one side and why yes I believe I can see canyons or at least little dimples.
a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons. Yes, I can see it now. My body is one BIG land area and while it may not have a relatively level surface, it definitely has raised above adjoining land on or at least one side and why yes I believe I can see canyons or at least little dimples.
a period or state of little or no growth or decline: to reach a plateau in one's career. Career? Did I say I wanted to make a career out of weight loss.
a period or state of little or no growth or decline: to reach a plateau in one's career. Career? Did I say I wanted to make a career out of weight loss.
Psychology. a period of little or no apparent progress in an individual's learning, marked by an inability to increase speed, reduce number of errors, etc., and indicated by a horizontal stretch in a learning curve or graph. OK, I'm definitely thinking this one fits for today. I apparently forgot how to eat properly this week, therefore having a period of little, or no apparent progress which is indicated by the horizontal line on my weight watchers progress chart!
Psychology. a period of little or no apparent progress in an individual's learning, marked by an inability to increase speed, reduce number of errors, etc., and indicated by a horizontal stretch in a learning curve or graph. OK, I'm definitely thinking this one fits for today. I apparently forgot how to eat properly this week, therefore having a period of little, or no apparent progress which is indicated by the horizontal line on my weight watchers progress chart!
a flat stand, as for a centerpiece, sometimes extending the full length of a table. –verb (used without object) Well, I'm still pretty short, so I don't know if I could extend the full length of a table, especially if it's Renee's table, but I like the idea of being a centerpiece.
a flat stand, as for a centerpiece, sometimes extending the full length of a table. –verb (used without object) Well, I'm still pretty short, so I don't know if I could extend the full length of a table, especially if it's Renee's table, but I like the idea of being a centerpiece.
to reach a state or level of little or no growth or decline, esp. to stop increasing or progressing; remain at a stable level of achievement; level off: After a period of uninterrupted growth, sales began to plateau. –verb (used with object) I have reached the state of "I can't hardly believe I only lost .2 pounds this week!"
to reach a state or level of little or no growth or decline, esp. to stop increasing or progressing; remain at a stable level of achievement; level off: After a period of uninterrupted growth, sales began to plateau. –verb (used with object) I have reached the state of "I can't hardly believe I only lost .2 pounds this week!"
to cause to remain at a stable level, esp. to prevent from rising or progressing: Rising inflation plateaued sales income. Well let's see..... the cause for my lack of progress, I'm not quite sure. I will just have to try harder for next week. To be continued........
to cause to remain at a stable level, esp. to prevent from rising or progressing: Rising inflation plateaued sales income. Well let's see..... the cause for my lack of progress, I'm not quite sure. I will just have to try harder for next week. To be continued........
Love Ya!
I personally think that if you weighed in standing backwards and on one foot you would get that damn keychain.
I like all your definitions and personal application of them. Ummm, next time, DO NOT hang up on me!!!!
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