Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meet Moon Face

Well, imagine my surprise when I came across the picture on the left when sorting through some stuff this weekend. Yikes! Bad hair, bad double chin, bad color for a shirt.........
Who knew I had a neck? The picture on the left was taken last August and the picture on the right was taken on Christmas day. I'm posting this as inspiration for myself. I've spent a good amount of my adult life dieting and feeling guilty when I wasn't dieting. But for most of the last 10 months I've been seriously working to melt these pounds off, I have a long way to go and finding this picture was just the boost I needed to keep going. Weigh-in is tomorrow. I hope the "weight lost" number on the left goes up!


Lindsay said...

AWESOME!!! Seriously... I am smiling so stinkin' huge right now!

Way to go!! :)

Trini said...

AWESOME! Isn't it great when you actually SEE the difference?! Keep up the good are my inspiration!

A.S.K.-P. said...

You are lookin' SOO GOO my friend!

A.S.K.-P. said...

Forgot to say, you are my inspiration as well. Jas & I are going to start working out @ the RAC tomorrow (for real, I've got the $ set aside and everything). Wish me luck.

Beth@playinwiththepaulsens! said...

Well, I have only known you at your current weight! But I am so amazed at your progress! WOW! You have already come soooo far! You look great! Next time we meet we will both be smaller versions of our wonderful selves! ;0)