Friday, June 1, 2007

Tough Days

I bet we can all think back, for some probably not that far back, and remember days that we would chalk up as tough days. Tough days include days you definitely don't count as your favorite, you remember them only because they had a significant impact or you ended up learning something about yourself through the process and repeating them just isn't in the realm of possibilities.

Tough days make us stronger, they let us learn stuff about ourselves and even though they are the worst at that moment, we can usually reflect back and say, "Wow made it through that one!"

Lots of you are winding up a school year. Lots to do before summer hits and then before you know it you'll be starting up a new school year. That is somewhat similar to my starting a new fiscal year. These last few months of the year are always stressful and then July 1st hits and I'm ready to start all over again. OK, well maybe it's not that simple, but I'd like it to be.

Have a great week.


Renee' said...

I just wish you had a link to my blog......

Renee' said...

Tough days are followed by brighter tomorrows. I just made that up but I think it sounds good. SO, here is to brighter tomorrows, filled with lazy carefree days of summer, a little wine, a good book and some fat burning.