Thursday, January 31, 2008


pla·teau/pla-toh; - noun
plural -teaus, -teaux /-ˈtoʊz, -toʊz/[-tohz, -tohz] verb, -teaued, -teau·ing.
So if you look at today's word and the definitions you might get a bit of a giggle if you think of it like this....
a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side, and often cut by deep canyons. Yes, I can see it now. My body is one BIG land area and while it may not have a relatively level surface, it definitely has raised above adjoining land on or at least one side and why yes I believe I can see canyons or at least little dimples.
a period or state of little or no growth or decline: to reach a plateau in one's career. Career? Did I say I wanted to make a career out of weight loss.

Psychology. a period of little or no apparent progress in an individual's learning, marked by an inability to increase speed, reduce number of errors, etc., and indicated by a horizontal stretch in a learning curve or graph. OK, I'm definitely thinking this one fits for today. I apparently forgot how to eat properly this week, therefore having a period of little, or no apparent progress which is indicated by the horizontal line on my weight watchers progress chart!

a flat stand, as for a centerpiece, sometimes extending the full length of a table. –verb (used without object) Well, I'm still pretty short, so I don't know if I could extend the full length of a table, especially if it's Renee's table, but I like the idea of being a centerpiece.

to reach a state or level of little or no growth or decline, esp. to stop increasing or progressing; remain at a stable level of achievement; level off: After a period of uninterrupted growth, sales began to plateau. –verb (used with object) I have reached the state of "I can't hardly believe I only lost .2 pounds this week!"

to cause to remain at a stable level, esp. to prevent from rising or progressing: Rising inflation plateaued sales income. Well let's see..... the cause for my lack of progress, I'm not quite sure. I will just have to try harder for next week. To be continued........

Monday, January 28, 2008

Just Another Everyday Happening!

The scrapbook weekend was good, but we could have done without the ice, snow and winter conditions on the way home. We made it home safely and we were glad that we chained up the 'ol Impala!

It seemed to get worse as we headed toward Pendleton and we were happy to see the miles get fewer as we travelled 40 mph.

Scrapbook Weekend

Karen and I headed to Portland on Friday so we could scrapbook all day Saturday at the Expo Center in Portland. We started our day off with a nice breakfast with Karen's daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, Lylah. She wasn't too sure who I was, but she likes her Grandma Karen. We had a great time and got a lot done during the crop. The trip home was another story, but that's for another post......

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Maybe next week?

So, have you ever been so close to a goal that you just know this is going to be the week you will achieve it? Well, that's what I thought and I thought wrong. I wanted to lose 1.4 pounds this week, which would put me at a personal goal I set for myself but it wasn't meant to be this week, I lost 1 pound. I'm not discouraged, which is kinda funny because for 2 weeks now I've been thinking "I'll make it this week" and well for 2 weeks I didn't, so........................I'll just keep thinking "I'll make it this week" and wait until next week to see if I actually achieve this small but rather significant goal of mine. If nothing, this makes me all the more determined to keep on keepin' on. My friend Renee (and who knows where she came up with it) said, "If I have to start stripping off clothes next week to make the scale go down, I'm doin' it - one piece at a time until the number drops!" We both laughed, knowing that she might just do it and that everything will freeze over before I do that!

Well until next week - that's the update.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meet Moon Face

Well, imagine my surprise when I came across the picture on the left when sorting through some stuff this weekend. Yikes! Bad hair, bad double chin, bad color for a shirt.........
Who knew I had a neck? The picture on the left was taken last August and the picture on the right was taken on Christmas day. I'm posting this as inspiration for myself. I've spent a good amount of my adult life dieting and feeling guilty when I wasn't dieting. But for most of the last 10 months I've been seriously working to melt these pounds off, I have a long way to go and finding this picture was just the boost I needed to keep going. Weigh-in is tomorrow. I hope the "weight lost" number on the left goes up!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today's Happening

Well, I can't say this is an everyday happening, but it happened today and I caught with my camera.
Gwen and I were having lunch in my office today. After we finished, Gwen set her bowl down for Buddy to lick. A few minutes later he was sitting next to her chair with the paper bowl hanging from his collar.
The edge of it was stuck in part of his collar. We laughed, wondering if he was proudly displaying his clean bowl or begging for more to be put in it. Knowing Buddy, I don't think he was looking for praise, but rather more food. Just had to share our funny moment for the day.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Biggest Loser - Couples

Don't know how many of you are tuned into this season's Biggest Loser Couples, but wanted to share with you the water bottle challenge. Here's the link.....


Well, it's my sixteenth week with weight watchers (since I last joined). Little did I know that when you stick with it for 16 weeks you get a little prize. I now have two charms, but still don't have my keychain. Maybe next week!!!
I lost 3.6 pounds this week. This is the first weigh in since my new goal of 25 pounds off by Easter. It's kinda funny. I'm working toward my ultimate weight loss goal, but it seems different this time. I don't get frustrated when I don't lose. I don't beat myself up if I eat more than I intended. I don't even talk myself out of weighing in (something I was famous for in the past). At weigh in this week I was telling the WW counselor that it just seems different this time and as I was saying this I looked over at her and she got this big grin on her face and said, "It clicked!". I guess she's right. Everything is clicking and I'm moviated more than ever.
Looking down the road I think it's probably going to take me years (let's hope no more than 3) to get down to my goal weight. But instead of being discouraged by it, I'm excited by it. I've been overweight my entire life (yes all 40 of them) and now I feel excited to think that I might be at my goal weight in 2-3 years! I'm taking one day at a time; I have a very supportive group of family and friends, which always makes this easier; and let's face it this is a lifestyle change, not a diet!
Well, onward and upward. Until next week........

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I have a challenge for you........

Most of us have a bad taste in our mouth for those New Year's resolutions. Maybe you've thrown your hands in the air and said, "No more resolutions, why disappoint myself?". Well, I'm challenging you to set a goal, something you can achieve in the next 24 hours. Sounds silly? Well, maybe it is, but I bet you can find something that you have been wanting to accomplish, yet you keep putting it off. Even when you know it would only take you a couple of hours or an evening to achieve.

I'm a big believer of resolutions. Can't say that I've had great success, but there's always something in me that wants to set a goal and work toward achieving it. At times I have made unrealistic goals, doomed for failure before I even got out of the gate. Other years I attempted small goals, giving myself a month to achieve it and then setting the next goal for the next month. It was a great concept and looking back I probably did better with that strategy than any other.

As most of you know I've been posting my weight loss progress on my blog. Well, it's time to set a new goal. I didn't meet my first goal, (lose 10% of my body weight by the time I turned 40) but I was only 3.4 pounds shy. I'm not disappointed, only more determined that I can achieve my goals, just a little more hard work and determination.

So, my next weight loss goal is set for 25 pounds by Easter Sunday - March 23, 2008! I weighed in today to get my starting weight (for the record I lost .2 pounds for the week). It doesn't seem like a big goal, but considering I lost 66 pounds in 2007 - I think this might be a goal I can achieve, but with some work.

So, remember.... I'm challenging you to set a goal, something that can be achieved in 24 hours. Let me know how it goes. Post your results so everyone can share. My 24 hour goal is to clean my kitchen. No more stuff sitting on the floor in the corner, clean dishes put away in the cupboard and everything wiped down. I'll let you know tomorrow, how it went!