Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First day of Spring

Well, it's the first day of spring. I heard this beautiful bird singing outside my window this morning as I woke up. It was a nice sound coming from outside. You can look around and see all sorts of new buds and grass beginning to green.

This was taken at my Mom and Dad's place in Zurich, Montana; the place I call home. Take time this week to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. As enjoyable as it is, it will go quickly.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Does the wind make you tired. The sound of wind makes me tired. Listening to it blow continually is something that has always made me sleepy. It's like white noise. I remember as a child listening to the wind blow at my Grandma Drugge's house. It was on top of the hill in Zurich, Montana and it didn't matter where you stood in the house you could hear the wind howl.

Today in Pendleton the wind is blowing just like I remember it as a child. Having a corner office in a building on top of a hill, has the same effect. You can hear the gusts of wind, the whistle and the howl as it increases. Kinda cool, but it still makes me sleepy.